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Cultural immersion samples

Cultural immersion samples

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Cultural immersion samples -

Politicians recognize the trend towards the blending of the two cultures and are competing for the Hispanic vote, both now and for the future. Download full paper NOW!

In addition to the statistical information regarding the Hispanic culture in America, I also work within the school system and there is a large and growing Hispanic student population.

I want to better understand the culture so that I can be a more effective advocate for our Hispanic student population. I was nervous, not because I have any reason not to like the traditions and events that the Hispanic culture takes part in but because I was afraid of doing something offensive or inappropriate during one of the events and offending people who were kind enough to bring me into the fold.

I didn't need to worry as it turned out because everyone I came into contact with was more than kind and willing to explain the traditions and the events to me to help me better understand the Hispanic culture.

A spent time with the family of a Spanish tutor from school as well as time with the family of a Spanish student. The tutor was from Puerto Rico and the student is from Mexico. When I explained what I wanted to do they eagerly informed me of several upcoming important events that are within the Hispanic population and culture so that I could choose which ones I wanted to attend.

In the end I decide that a family event, a church event and a cultural event were all things I needed to do if I wished to obtain a well rounded understanding of some of the things that the Hispanic culture subscribes to.

THE FESTIVAL The first event that I attended to take part in this immersion program was something called the Festival Latino. The Festival Latino is a Mississippi-based festival that is designed to help the community understand and embrace the Hispanic population.

It was held on Saturday, September My host family told me to dress comfortably as we would probably walk several miles that day as we visited all of the booths and entertainment areas. It was held in an area called Rapids on the Reservoir and promised to be filled with Hispanic culture by way of foods, entertainment and educational events throughout the festival.

The first thing we did was head toward the music area where they had three different bands scheduled for that day. On the way to the area my host family explained to me that music is a very important part of the Hispanic culture as it depicts happiness and celebration which is something vital to all Hispanics.

We listened to a band called Vivaz and it was wonderful. Whereas the music in America is easily divided into several genres the music within the Hispanic culture can be largely overlapped from what I heard that day.

While we were in the music area the family offered to teach me several Hispanic dances including the Salsa and the Merengue. I was not very good at some of the steps but I enjoyed watching the smiling faces of the children who could dance as if it were as easy as breathing.

My host family explained to me that children are part of most Hispanic events. This was interesting to me as I have grown up in America and there are many events that are considered adult only and children are left with sitters while the adults go off to enjoy themselves.

This host family told me that most Mexican families are very close knit and three or four generations work together to raise the children of the family.

In addition children are included in just about all celebratory events within the Hispanic culture. As I looked around at the many Hispanic families attending the festival I understood what they had said to me as I watched many children laughing with delight as they darted in and out of the crowds.

While at the festival I also enjoyed many different foods that are based in Hispanic culture. There were many Latin restaurants serving dishes at the festival and my host family persuaded me to stray away from my usual taco plate and try some other dishes. She was 20 years old at the time and had done minimal traveling outside of her native Portugal.

The possibility of moving far away from home to a chilly country on the Baltic Sea made her incredibly nervous, to put it mildly. But three days before the application deadline, Inês decided to give it a go.

She scrambled to get her paperwork together and submitted it just as time was about to run out. Shortly after, reality hit Inês: life was about to get very interesting very quickly.

After she arrived in Tallinn, Inês waited nervously at the baggage claim carousel, but her luggage never arrived. During her program in Tallinn, Inês was heavily immersed in Estonian culture and gathered courage as her connection to her surroundings grew stronger every day.

Over her six months abroad, Inês became more comfortable in her skin. The immersion - while initially a complete shock to her system - transformed her from an apprehensive and fearful traveler into a confident and comfortable citizen of the world. You grow so much as a person in such a short period of time.

It's overwhelming to think about sometimes. During her time as a college student in the United States, Lera Yavich far left in photo learned that she had a distant family living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With little hesitation, she flew south to study abroad and get to know her mysterious ancestry that she knew nothing about.

Seeking a true cultural immersion experience -- not a traditional study abroad program surrounded by fellow Americans -- Lera enrolled for classes directly in Buenos Aires University. Luckily, one of her newfound relatives connected her with a host family. She stumbled, fought, and laughed through conversations, persevering through the thick language barrier.

She made friends and studied with her college peers. Her host mom excitedly brought her along to local dinners and swanky art galleries in the city. Though her six months in Buenos Aires flew by, Lera fell in love with international travel and made the commitment to always experience new cultures as authentically as possible — only as a local would.

I learned that I prefer being with local culture rather than checking into a hotel and keeping with people of my own culture. Taking the road less traveled, as cliché as it sounds, allows for deeper connection.

When Andrew Caliebe took his international business studies from the U. to Europe, he wasted no time immersing himself into his surroundings.

Over several fast-paced months, he studied in Rome, Berlin, Middleburg, and London. During his free time, he used his trusty train pass to explore neighboring cities and countries whenever he got the chance.

It was fascinating to learn the new customs and to try local ingredients and items from the grocery stores and neighborhood markets. I quickly learned how to communicate through a language barrier. He studied international trade relations, the rise of the Roman Empire, and the Dutch Golden Age — all while soaking in fascinating new cultures and forming a passion for international travel.

Once thought of as a luxury and quick excuse to escape everyday life, he now sees travel as an opportunity to view the world from an ever-changing perspective. Eager for an escape from life in the United States, Noel Krasomil spent a semester during his junior year of college to study abroad in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Learning Spanish was his top priority, so he enrolled in a cultural immersion program that placed him in a homestay with a family that spoke zero English whatsoever.

At first, Noel was shocked and reluctant to immerse himself into Mexican culture. Students can choose from a wide variety of experiences to satisfy this requirement, but all cultural immersion experiences must meet the following criteria:.

It must be related to environmental studies or science. It must include at least 40 hours of direct involvement with a group of people from a culture other than what the student has experienced to date. The 40 hours do not need to be continuous. In order for this to be considered an immersion, you must spend the entire time with a single culture or group.

Both your culture and the one with which you plan to engage must be described in the proposal. It must be a deeper, more critical cultural immersion experience than travel or observation alone.

It should provide opportunities for you to evaluate situations from local people's perspectives; in other words, you should strive to be in a situation where some of your daily comforts and predictability are different or absent.

Local guides can be a great venue for cultural immersion if you are proactive in your interactions with them; if you are not proactive, you will miss the opportunity to for true immersion.

Proposal: Students must submit proposals by the deadlines listed below using the form at the bottom of this page.

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Author: Dunris

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